Tuesday, March 16, 2010

United States of New Zealand

For reading our group looked at a newspaper article from the New Zealand Herald. The title was:

Australia and NZ merger 'inevitable'.

The article was about Australia and NZ combining together. A research group asked NZ people and Australian people if they like the idea of NZ becoming a state of Australia. We came up with the name USA (United States of Australia) for the new country. Our teacher said that name was taken, so we thought a better name would be USNZ. The United States of NZ.

Room 8 Students


Grace said...

I like the name you chose for the merge between NZ and Australia. You have written a good summary of the article.

Caroline from Ngaruawahia said...

I thought your name was original. It's good to see you all taking such an interest in the NZ news items and what affects us here. I look forward to reading more about what you are learning in class.